Frequently Asked Questions
Is this a Franchise?
No! We provide our customers with suggestions and recommendations, not rules and regulations. We know the fudge business. We know what works and we’re happy to share that knowledge with our customers at NO cost.
Do I have to buy the whole Fudge System?
In order to attain maximum benefit, the fudge system needs to be bought as a whole. For more information, send us a message below to begin this process.
Can I just buy blocks of Fudge?
Yes, of course you can. Fill out the form on our wholesale page and we'll put you in contact with your nearest fudge wholesaler.
What’s the return on my investment?
That’s a key question and one that needs to be asked. Typically a shop that can sell 20 customers an average amount of fudge each day will return their investment in around 6 months.
Why aren’t more people doing it?
It’s no secret. The world’s finest fudge coupled with proactive marketing allows us to offer a sweet deal to qualified retailers.
But my shop is different from others.
If you have more than 50 browsers each day through your shop and your staff have a proactive attitude, our fudge system will most likely work for you. Send us a message below to begin the process.
But I don’t have time to make fudge!
It only takes 2 hours per week to attain annual profits of over $36,000. That’s the equivalent of paying yourself $350/hour.
The Health Regulations won’t allow me to make fudge.
If you have water in your store it can happen. We can negotiate with your environmental health office if you wish. 2500 retailers worldwide can’t be denied.
I don’t have room.
A Calico Cottage Fudge Counter will return more dollars per square metre than almost any other category in any store!
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